Thursday, March 6, 2014

Being Familiar With As To Why Our People Yo-Yo Diet Plan And Just What We Can Possibly Do To Modulate This

How many diets have you "failed" at?

If you resemble the majority of us, a lot more than one. Maybe many more than one.

But, it's not if you fail or the number of times you fail that counts.

It's how you handle failure that matters in the long run.

The Same Coin

Failure and success are two sides of the same coin.

Consider around everything in life. You almost never have success without failure.

You learned to walk by collapsing 100's or even 1,000's of your time. But you never thought a failure and were never labeled as a failure.

Mom and Dad kept encouraging you and you kept uprising and trying repeatedly until you understood right.

You learned to read by spoiling your alphabet enough times to finally get right. By spoiling writing out the letters 'till you got them right. By juice plus distributor misspelling and misreading the words until you got them right. The mistakes abounded. But you were never a failure - you were just learning.

Same with riding a bike, driving a car, playing a sport, dating, for gosh sakes. Choosing a career or a mate, perhaps.

Life is an experiment process where failure and success are two sides of the same coin.

What's Different About Dieting?

In some ways dieting is the same and in some ways it's different from most other things.

It's the same because failure and success should go together - 2 sides of the same coin.

It's different because, let's admit, you don't really want to diet at all. And you probably have negative thoughts and feelings about dieting.

Everyone would like to walk, read, drive a car, and have a great career and a great mate. Not one prefers to diet

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